Blog Post VERS. 4.1.63
Greetings! This week during class, among other things, we learned about semantic version numbers. As the name implies, the process of determining what kind of version goes to what kind of version number is quite complicated, and requires some level of thought, which I admittedly hadn't done before now. The MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format for changes does seem rather useful and straightforward, but actually figuring out how to classify changing how a print command prints to the console seems like a lot of work. I always had this notion in mind that developers kind of just picked versions numbers at random, or at least sequentially, I didn't know there was an actual structure behind what appears to be a simple string of numbers. I feel like with writing these posts I have a tendency to view other blog posts that completely contradict, or speak about the shortcomings of what we learn in class. I don't mean to be a cynic, I just want to be aware of what can go wrong when using such ...